Live bead showcases, amazing specials, giveaways, fabulous prizes & SO much more!

🧡 What is AutumnFest?

Coming this March is AutumnFest: a virtual 2.5 day Trollbeads spectacular, full of all the things Troll fans adore.

Enjoy 18 LIVE bead showcases. Enter the enchanting world of ancient Amber and visit showcases of this precious fossil in all its Trollbeads’ forms. And you can see all the dreamy Uniques, Gemstones and Special Unique Rare Silver and Glass beads you could wish for!

Plus, there are specials, gala nights with bingo and trivia(!), amazing prizes, competitions, and MORE on the way.

And of course, we’ll be spoiling ticket-holders with a range of irresistible specials, gifts and SALES while this amazing festival lasts!

🧡 When and where is AutumnFest?

AutumnFest is an online event, 5pm Friday 11th, March – 6pm Sunday 13th, March 2022.
This event is exclusive to our Australian and New Zealand fans only.

🧡 How can I get an AutumnFest ticket and what is included?

Tickets are valued at $50 and can be purchased here:

PLUS - if you are a Trollbeads VIP member with a Kati Thanda Bead you get the ticket for free! Not a member yet? Simply click here and join and not only will you get your membership certificate and Kati Thanda bead, we will also email you a FREE access code for your AutumnFest ticket!
Only a ticket gives you an all-access pass to all 3 days of the AutumnFest extravaganza!
This includes exclusive access to all areas of the AutumnFest site, entry into all competitions, access to live Zoom showcase events, and access to all sales and specials.


Note: Tickets will NOT be sold during the event so get yours ASAP. Full program details to be released soon.

Don’t miss this magical Trollbeads community event – we hope you’ll be joining us!
Love, Trollbeads Australia x